The Association of Forensic Accounting Researchers (AFAR) is a research and professional based organization established with registration RC 120254 to enhance forensic accounting research and practice in Africa and beyond. With members from Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique, Cameroon, Ghana, Canada, United Kingdom and United State of America, AFAR’s Objectives includes but not limited to educating members as well as the general public on matters relating to Forensic Accounting, Forensic Audit, Forensic Investigation, Investigative Accounting, Fraud Examination, Forensic Taxation and Forensic Internal Auditing and Litigation Support among others. AFAR seeks to collaborate with international and local relevant professional organizations in research, academic and professional seminars, workshops, training, conferences, roundtable and exchange programmes to continue promoting the education of Forensic Research and practices. AFAR has a printing press for publication of journals, books, monograph, periodicals and newsletters, on matters relating to Forensic Accounting, Audit, Taxation, Internal Auditing and Investigation, Investigative Accounting and Fraud Examination and Litigation Support among others.
Association of Forensic Accounting Researchers (AFAR)